I have been a day behind in my pictures for a few days now and I might as well keep it up, at least until tomorrow. It's "terrible Tuesday" tomorrow with way too many activities crammed into the day. Blah blah blah, I am boring even myself with this blog post!
I guess I will just get to the pictures. Yesterday we went to our favourite park near sunset so that I could make my first attempt at sunflare photos. I was happy with the outcome. Not because the pictures were great (they weren't) but because we had some fun as a family and I learned a bunch of things NOT to do when taking sunflare photos. Hopefully next time I can apply that knowledge and learn a bit more!
This one makes me happy because it is my man and my baby (who incidently is showing off a dirty little secret of mine... occasionally, I let my kids wear licensed clothing.... shhh, don't tell!)
And I like these next two of Mylie because it cracks me up that she wanted to wear her snow suit to the park... even though it was like 10 degrees Celsuis (for my American friends, that is 50 degrees Fahrenheit). She wore her rainboots too and it was a good thing, the field was so mucky, there were ducks in the second picture swimming on the field!
Finally, my lovely Laina climbed a tree to pose for me...
Great pictures Julie!