Friday, December 3, 2010

Full and Fabulous...

that was my day!  It was busy and filled with kid's activities and excitement, and then, most exciting of all, it ended with a babysitter (or two) coming to watch all three girls while Adam and I went Christmas shopping!

That's right, it takes two babysitters to watch Destructo-baby and crew.  But it was well worth it, as I managed to get the majority of my Christmas shopping done in one evening aaannnndddd.....

got myself a new pair of boots!  Yep, that is the best I can do for photos today folks.

Here they are in all of their leathery-loveliness in the box:

and on!

Obviously Adam had to take this picture (unless I have freakishly long arms), and speaking of Adam, here he is sitting on one of our "we-have-young-children-hence-ugly-indestructible-furniture" chairs.


  1. I could never in a hundred million years pull off boots like that! You're one hot momma! ♥ Where'd you get 'em? They're cute. I'm glad you had a fabulous day. That makes me very happy.

  2. I am envious that you are nearly done your Christmas shopping. I went to the mall today, but when I got there I realized I forgot my purse...doh! I'm losing my mind! Nice boots!


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